Hiking Jena

Who are we?

We are a dynamic group which focuses on outdoor activities in Jena and the other areas of the state Thuringia, Germany. Our group is mainly based on Facebook and it is actually a platform, where everyone can organize events for the others and find people to join. Since 2017, we have organized more than 140 hiking trips and had participants from everywhere in the world.

This website is designed for public announcements and to have a nice overview of our past events. A very small number of photos are uploaded here. All other photos are uploaded inside the Facebook group which requires a further membership. For more information about us please click here.

Wer sind wir?

Ziel unserer internationalen Gruppe ist die Organisierung von Wanderungen in Thüringen insbesondere um Jena. Seit Februar 2017 haben wir mehr als 140 Wanderungen mit Teilnehmern aus aller Welt organisiert.

Fast jede Woche planen wir Ausflüge zu berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten, historischen Orten und idyllische Seen. Neben unseren regelmäßigen Wanderungen organisieren wir manchmal auch andere Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Bootfahren oder Skifahren.

Guest Book: If you want to write something for us, then it would be cool to write it in your language and accent. ☺☺☺