August 2020
Organized by Andreas
Number of participants: around 18
We really like to take advantage of the summer by hiking to a lake where we can swim. So we had a long exhausting hike in the heat of August.
After arriving at the lake "Talsperre Heyda", which is close to the Thuringian forest, we were swimming there and could stay in the water for a long time because the water was warm.
That gave us energy to hike back to another train station. We enjoyed it a lot.
Organized by Reza
Number of participants: 13
This event is organized as one of our annual special events. We received the boats at 9:00 AM at Jena and rode through Postendorf to Dornburg. We had 3 Kanadier and 2 Canoes.
The weather was partially rainy and we were using our umbrellas. Besides that the river flow was fast so we did not need to paddle hard. This gave us the chance to relax and enjoy watching the beautiful nature.
We ended our trip around 3:00 PM in Dornburd.
Organized by Ashish
Number of participants: 14
Jena is surrounded by mountains and best time of the day is when you see a sun going below the Horizon from Kunitzburg.
In warm sunny saturday evening, it was a pleasant hike from Jena Zwätzen to Kunitzburg. At Kunitzburg, we have played many games and many people have joined for the first time.
Organized by Mark
Number of participants: 36
This was the first night hike in 2020. The aim was to the the annual meteor shower in the darkness. First we were worried about if we will be able to see it due to the clouds. Anyway we took advantage of the situation and hiked with torches to the Windknollen where we lied down on the grass. And actually we saw many meteors flying above us. That was an incredible evening on a warm summer day.
Organized by Reza and Ashish
Number of participants: 16
The best memory of the summer is doing Grill/ barbeque in an open Sky and when Grilling is combine with Hike , it is more fun.
To enjoyed the sunny day, we walked along the Leutra to Papiermühle and from there we followed Saale Horizontale to Cospeda. From Cospeda we went to Napoleonstein and ended at in Jena Nord, and later we had Barbeque near Reza's place.
Organized by Reza and Ashish
Number of participants: 12
It was a long and warm day, started with going to Ostbad for swimming and followed by climbing the nearby mountain to see the fascinating sunset.
We were there till around 10 PM and came back with torch in the dark night.
Organized by Ashish and Reza
Number of participants: 26
This was a short hike which brang us from Lobeda-old town through the rural district Drackendrof to the Lobdeburg ruine. We unfortunately encountered the rain in the end what made some people run away.
After getting dry at Ashish place the sun came out again and the funny part started: We had BBQ at the river Saale and had the whole meadow only for us. Andreas and Reza were taking their rubber boats. We stayed until the evening and had a great day in Jena!
26. bike trip within Jena
Organized by Ashish
Number of participants: 6
This bike trip was planned for a weekday and realised by Ashish. After passing Wöllnitz, it was a steep way up over the Fürstenbrunnen. Then, after the forest, we could rush down! A nice special half-day event!
Organized by Roman
Number of participants: 28
Romantic Roman always come up with a cool and nice idea for Hiking. He decided to hike to Baumkronenpfad in Hainicher Nationalpark.
The day has started early and we have taken a train from Jena west to Bad Langensalza and there we have to wait for bus connection, so we decided to a short city tour with our organizer.
It was a great experience to walk on the structure in the Nationalpark but this trip ended very shortly. so we planned a short hike in Hainicher Nationalpark.
All and all it was great trip with many new people.