January 2021
01.- 31. Hiking Challenge
🤠Organized by Together in Jena
👫 Number of participants: 17
🌻 What happened: We had the challenge to complete as much of the 16 hiking routes as you could.
Here you can see some of our hiker's results!
The people who went on that route have usually taken photos which we present here.
📷 More photos on Facebook
16. - 24. Hot Snow(hu)man Competition
🤠Organized by Reza
👫 Number of participants: 9
🌻 What happened: We had a tradition every year when there was enough snow to go for making a snow human or skiing. Unfortunately this year we cannot do it.
However, we invited everyone to go individually and make a snowman/ -woman and share the photos with everyone.
Our hiking fellows were very creative and they even used items to make it look more beautiful when they created their snow figures! Most of them were built in January because there was a lot of snow which became sticky. Nevertheless, in 8th of February we had more than 30 cm high snow which almost lead to a crisis. This was too much and it was too cold to make figures or a snowball fight.
📷 More photos on Facebook
Corona-Snowman by Bernd Stange
tiny snowman by Büsra and Ani
Alien snowman with robotic arms by Xiaoyu
Our big friend! by Roman & Kelly
Cool Snowbuddy by Nassim
Red jacket snow woman with nose job by Reza
Another one by Andreas
Our cute child snowman by Kris, Barbara and...
.... Roman
Einmal Schneealienmann (on Aliens Tour) by Martin & Miriam
He is Jerry Our Mexican Schneemann by Martin & Miriam
tiny snow figures by Andreas