June 2020
Organized by Ashish
Number of participants : 13
This was the very first hike organized by Ashish and first hike, when Government ease out some Corona Restriction and you are allowed to go in a group. So we decided to Hike in Kernberge mountains from Jenertal over the viewing-point Kupferplatte, Diebeskrippe and Fürstenbrunnen (The Fürstenbrunnen is a headwaters in the beautiful Pennickental at the foot of the Johannisberge. ) and later we ended this beautiful day at BurgauPark tram station.
All and all, we have enjoyed the beautiful Nature of our city after a 3 months restriction.
Organized by Reza
Number of participants : 16
When Corona restriction were eased out, many people liked to go out and spend time in nature. So considering this fact robust Reza organized this hike from Beutenberg Campus over Ernst- Haeckel-Stein , Frostturm, Bismarckturm and later ended at Jena Center.
It was a very warm day and we went to many ups and down because of some mean people, it was very exhausting but later we survived the whole trip.