My city Jena
In the Kernberge you find this board with points of interest you can see from this viewing point. It had been renewed 2019 because the old one was from GDR.
Here are some suggested routes which passes through this point. You want to add your own route, contact us. It is very easy and we will register it with your own name.
visiting Teufelslöcher, Kupferplatte, Diebeskrippe, and Fürstenbrunnen
Hiking length: 10.53 km
Route 12: Ashish Photography Tour
visiting Teufelslöcher, Kupferplatte, Zieghainer Tal, and Fuchsturm
Hiking length: 10.9 km
visiting Lobdeburg, Johannisberg, Fürstenbrunnen, Diebeskrippe, and Kupferplatte
Hiking length: 14.71 km
Route 17: Exciting Kernberg Tour
visiting Teufelslöcher, mittlere Kernberghorizontale, Haeckel-Bank, Funkturm, Kupferplatte
Hiking length: 11.06 km